sponsor van innovatieve psychiatrische projecten

sponsor van innovatieve psychiatrische projecten

Koningsheideprijs 2020-2022


Menno Segeren voor zijn proefschrift: “Caught in adversity. The development, persistence and escalation of criminal behavior from a public mental health care perspective”

Tamara de Beuf voor het artikel “Risk assessment with the START:AV in Dutch secure youth care. From implementation to field evaluation”

Ilse van de Groep voor het artikel “Resisting aggression in social contexts: The influence of life-course persistent antisocial behavior on behavioral and neural responses to social feedback”

Koningsheideprijs 2017-2020


  • De heer dr. P. de Looff -'Aggressive behaviour, burnout and physiology', diss.
  • De heer dr. J. Meijers- 'Do not restrain the prisoner's brain: Executive functions, self-regulation and the impoverished prison environment', diss.
  • De heer drs. K. van Lith - 'Effects of Methylphenidate During Fear Learning in Antisocial Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled fMRI Trial', publicatie.

Koningsheideprijs 2013-2017


  • De heer D.E.M. Geurts, MD - 'Neural connectivity during reward expectation dissociates psychopathic criminals from non-criminal individuals with high impulsive/antisocial psychopathic traits' (gepubliceerd in: Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2016, p. 1326-1334)

Koningsheideprijs 2012-2013


  • Mevrouw dr. L.E.W. Leenarts – 'Interpersonal Trauma in Youths in Compulsory Residential Care: Assessment and Treatment’
  • Mevrouw drs. N. Troquete – ‘Risk Assessment and Shared Care Planning in Outpatient Forensic Psychiatrry: a Randomised Controlled Trial’

Koningsheideprijs 2010-2011


  • De heer drs. I. Brazil – ‘Early and late components of error monitoring in violent offenders with psychopathy’
  • Mevrouw drs. K. von Borries – ‘Neural correlates of error-related learning deficits in individuals with psychopathy’

Eervolle vermelding:

  • Mevrouw dr. N.M.L. Buck - 'Childhood Psychopathology Predicts Adolescence-Onset Offending'

Koningsheideprijs 2008-2009


  • Mevrouw dr. I.L. Bongers – ‘Predict young adult social functioning from developmental trajectories of externalizing behaviour’


  • De heer dr. mr. G. Meynen – Should or should not forensic psychiatrists think about free will?